Digital Marketing


Digital Marketing

The concept of Digital marketing is important, as electronic marketing, or as it is known as digital marketing, has many concepts and definitions, which may cause the reader to become distracted and lack a clear understanding. The concept of electronic marketing is also considered a broader and more comprehensive concept than the concept of online marketing, and the concept of marketing in general is known to have evolved from the concept of Sales-based to customer-based concept.

The concepts of Digital marketing may differ from one person to another, and today we will quickly learn about the most important of these concepts. Therefore, in this article, we will try to make the concept of Digital marketing very simple, away from any complications.

The concept of digital marketing and its importance

The concept of Digital marketing is simply the use or exploitation of the Internet, modern computers and phones to reach customers and consumers easily.

This is done through multiple strategies and is considered the backbone of any company, platform or product.

Digital marketing gives the customer many advantages that he may not find anywhere else, and we will learn about them in this article.

Definition of the concept of Digital marketing

The concept of e-marketing is defined as the science through which products are displayed in a way that attracts customers and prompts them to buy them, but marketing has many concepts from which we conclude that it is an integrated marketing plan for applying traditional marketing strategies, including advertising campaigns, distribution, promotion, and pricing of products and services via Modern technologies and online communication networks, in order to reach the largest target audience with a lower budget, in addition to achieving customer comfort and providing competitive prices.

The importance of Digital marketing in our current era

Digital marketing has a very great importance in your company’s relationship with customers or in your relationship personally with your customers. It is a process that relates to the website and distinguishes it greatly, as it is based on scientific foundations and strategies that benefit the website owner and the product owner in greatly increasing his profits by creating an advertising campaign, for example, through the platforms. Electronic services available in the world, as well as online advertising and displaying ads on various digital channels, and this, by the way, is the best marketing option for all websites and for all large business owners that have a lot of data.

In this digital age, you will find that marketing is the primary driver of your company and the basis for increasing rates of purchase of the company’s products or services by customers.

We can summarize the importance of Digital marketing in the following points:

Easily reach your customers or attract new ones.
Target specific customers in advance.
Targeting customers on social media through written, visual, and even audio content.
It saves you and your company time and money because it is cheaper than traditional marketing.
It enables you to create an advertising campaign in a short time with a strong and fast return.
It makes your company’s name and reputation heard at any time.
Make your brand stand out among existing brands in a short time and at a low cost.
Through it, you can follow your advertising campaign and see whether it is successful or not, which makes you always be careful and follow up on an ongoing basis.
Learn about the most important successful e-marketing strategies to increase your sales

Characteristics of Digital marketing

The concept of Digital marketing has important characteristics, and there are many characteristics that distinguish electronic marketing, which are evidence of the importance of the marketing institution, the importance of any electronic marketing, and the importance of the special services provided, the most important of which are:

– Ability to send, through which customer data can be collected and sent to the company to benefit from it.
– Interaction with customers, as it connects them directly to the company, and interacts with the customer’s desires in the best ways that encourage decision-making.
– The power of Digital memory enables the company to maintain information about each customer, his purchasing pattern, and his history.
– A huge database as the Internet provides important data for a company to use in its campaigns.
– Audience analysis provides data on the way the customer interacts with the product and analyzes it to improve the marketing process.
– Speed and time saving. An advertising campaign can be carried out in another country with the click of a button without the hassle of traveling.
– Ease of access to the public, as it provides more detailed information to customers about the institutions’ products and their prices.
– Low budget compared to traditional marketing.